Simple exercises without additional equipment

‘You have 15 minutes to work with the goalkeepers’... How many times have you heard this? Here are three exercises you can keep in your goalkeeping coach's notebook to give your goalies some love.

25 October 2015 - Written by Laura Arriero
Hello everybody!

Following Gaty's exercise proposal, who suggested doing exercises with one or two goalkeepers in 20 minutes, with just a few cones and the goalposts... Today we present three exercises that meet these points and that you will see that they have multiple possibilities and adaptations.

They are simple exercises with little additional equipment, but with enough intensity and rhythm so you can get a good workout.

Remember to always work on both profiles. We usually plan about 4 repetitions on each side with my goalkeepers, so that they balance their movements and don't suffer a lot of physical strain. It is very important to keep goalkeepers fresh, even if they then have to train with the rest of the team, where good performances in small games or combination actions will reinforce the goalkeeper's confidence and positive mentality. Speaking of which, here is an interesting link: Training the goalkeeper's ‘personality’.

Exercise 1:

[imagen id=‘7396’]

Start the exercise with a zig-zag between cones. It can be done either with a frontal or lateral run. That is, looking at the coach who is standing at the front of the area ready to hit. After the first zig-zag between cones, the goalkeeper will perform a slalom between pikes, and to finish, receive a shot at half height to make a save with a fall.

Exercise 2:


Starting from a prone position, the coach bounces the ball to mark the start of the exercise. While the goalkeeper stands up, the coach throws the ball in the air so that the goalkeeper can kick the ball over the crossbar. Then, by means of a lateral run, the goalkeeper moves until they touch a cone and to finish, a shot from a teammate to the side where the exercise started.

Exercise 3:


Starting from a goalpost, the working goalkeeper moves to the central pike, goes around it and prevents the goalkeeping coach from knocking down the pike as close as possible to where the exercise started.

There you go, Gaty. We hope these exercises will be useful for those days you mentioned in previous posts and that, with a few more variations, you will always have these resources at the ready.

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    Adrian Martinez Regal
    27 October 2015
    Hola Oscar: Muchas gracias por los ejercicios y por estar siempre atento. La verdad es que la última vez que escuché esa frase fue en el entreno del viernes jeje, así que dije, cojo los ejercicios simples que tengo preparados, los acorto un poco y los más largos para otra sesión. Los que propones son muy simples y aplicables, tanto para trabajar bloqueos como desvíos, justo lo que nunca se ocurre, un ejercicio simple que se trabaje bien y que el portero disfrute. Aunque yo creo que disfruto tanto como ellos viéndolos esforzarse y concentrarse. un saludo y gracias de nuevo. P.D. No se me olvida que nos debes un entreno con las técnicas para levantarse ;)
  • Plumtic S.l.
    07 August 2017
    Hola Oscar, Mi enhorabuena por el blog, sois un apoyo importante para personas como yo que disponemos de conocimientos limitados pero una ilusión enorme para entrenar a los chavales. Nuestro fútbol base necesita de más gente como vosotros. Sigo atento a vuestro blog y a nuevos ejercicios. Suscribo a Gaty, las tecnicas para levantarse son necesarias. un cordial saludo.
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    Carlos Enrrique Castro Ruiz
    06 November 2018
    exelente para mi hijo de 7 años para que siga creciendo en la posicion los felecito
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