Nike Tiempo Legend Ronaldinho

I guess you remember those amazing “Touch of gold” white boots of Ronaldinho with wich he would hit the crossbar several times... Those were a huge deal for Nike and they've decided to launch a remake model.

25 August 2015 - Written by Fernando Ortiz Castillo

It's been 10 years from the first YouTube video that hit a million visits.

Do you know what video I'm talking about?

It might have been because of Ronaldinho, or because of the boots, or maybe because it was "fake" or was it no? But the important thing is that it became extremely popular at the time and since it's the 10th anniversary, the american brand has decided to launch a remake of the Nike Air Legend Tiempo de 2005, as a tribute to the player and the boot model.

In case you don't remember the video I'm talking about, here it is:


By that time, the brazilian player was one of the flagship players of the american brand, and when he signed for FC Barcelona, coming from PSG, it became something else and the Swoosh company didn't waist a minute and they launched the first limited edition of a version that was made exclusively for him, and some years forward he would have his own line of boots in Nike, the Nike 10R.

Same as the original model, the new Tiempo "Toch of Gold" maintain the essence of the original model but build with the new 2015 version. Although it's been 10 years from the models we are talking about, we can appreciate that the evolution of this model has been very conservative, and that's the reason why it's the favorite model of so many classic players.


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The upper is made, as always, with natural leather featuring the classic stitchin in the toe box area that will prevent the boot from over stretching with the normal use, but allowing it to stretch enough to the shape of our foot. As you can see in the photos, they have incorporated some gold details and the number of the boot, since it will be a limited edition and there will only be 3000 pairs made worldwide of this Nike Tiempo Legend "Touch of Gold".


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A nice detail we will find in this model is going to be in the outsole we have a beautiful design. It goes from white in the front portion to gold in the heel area, and with the Ronaldinho 10 signature. When it comes to the stud pattern, we get the same as the stock model, with the same advanced technologies, which make this boot lighter and with a good flexion and reaction. 


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We also get that classic reverse tongue that was a regular detail in that time. Lots of us would finish our practice session and go straight back to the changing room to clean our boots and put on some rubber bands to hold the tongue and give it shape.


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¿Whe will these super exclusive boots be available?

September the 2nd!

Remember there will only be 3000 pairs world wide and as always Soloporteros will be one of a few shops with this exclusive model. 

If you want to get your pair, stay tuned!

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  • Sin imagen de perfil
    Bing Bing Yi
    26 August 2015
    las botas salen en la tienda o se pueden reservar en la pagina web? que hora salen?
  • Ares Soria García
    29 August 2015
    ¡Qué míticas! Sin duda el remake ha quedado también de lujo. Si no recuerdo mal, el año que Ronaldinho recibió el balón de oro, Nike le confeccionó unas botas ¡en oro! para el partido contra el Real Zaragoza. Por aquel entonces Ronaldinho era el mejor con diferencia, todos los niños lo tenían como ídolo. Creo que en esa época también veía los míticos vídeos de Joga Bonito, presentados por Eric Cantona, en los que salían Ronaldinho, Robinho, Ibrahimovic... haciendo filigranas con el balón.
  • Sin imagen de perfil
    Bryan Zamora
    23 August 2016
    El mejor estilo que puede existir espero tener unas apenas salgan
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