Copa Mundial vs Kaiser 5

Today we come to answer a question we have been asked many times what is the difference between the two icons of football boots, the World Cup and its sister the Kaiser 5? Let's go over the details.

03 January 2020 - Written by Laura Arriero

There is little we can tell you that you don't already know about the Copa Mundial football boots, since it was born in 1982, and has remained practically identical to this day. The most sold boot in history and the most seen all over the football map, as it is the most used in professional, amateur and grassroots football, a real gem.  As for the Kaiser 5, it is a model that was born as a mid or upper-mid range of the Copa Mundial model and for this reason they are aesthetically very similar and share many of the same qualities.

Construction and Materials

The Copa Mundial is constructed in top quality kangaroo leather, a leather that with use moulds perfectly to our foot and as grease is applied, it will get softer and softer. The rest of the boot is constructed with a polyurethane outsole (something very common these days, but which was a revolution for the 80's), with a classic conical stud pattern.


The Kaiser 5 Liga inherits its name from one of its standard bearers, Franz Beckenbauer, which is why we see the Kaiser 5 on the side, his name and his number on the German national team's jersey. The construction is no longer made of kangaroo leather, but of high quality cowhide leather, which is present on the front, leaving a synthetic material for the back. The synthetic reduces the weight a bit and maintains the comfort, but without having that full kangaroo leather feeling that the Copa Mundial offers.

Aesthetics and details

Visually they are practically identical, the only thing that can be seen besides the name on the side, is a white line that surrounds the buttress of the sole and that identifies the Kaiser. The tongue, the sole, the rivets and the distribution of the studs are the same, we will not see any difference between the two, therefore, to make sure we have one or the other, we must go to the name and obviously if we have it in hand, we will notice it because of the difference in the leather.


The comfort and fit is the same in both, but maybe the Copa Mundial, having kangaroo leather is a bit more elastic and softer and you will notice that the leather gives a bit more. On the other hand, and the difference in addition to those mentioned is the price, the Kaiser 5 league football boots are considerably cheaper than the Copa Mundial and it is a detail that we have to take into account when choosing one model or the other.


In conclusion, both models are the standard bearers of classic football boots, both have an uncommon comfort, both maintain the classic essence of football par excellence. The choice is now in your hands, the Kaiser with a lower price is an excellent option, while the World Cup is still the queen of football boots no matter how many years go by. Which one do you choose?

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