How to clean rubber off your football boots

The big problem with new artificial turf pitches are those annoying black rubber stains. Do you want to know how to get rid of them? 

11 August 2017 - Written by Laura Arriero

It has barely been a decade since the advent of 3rd generation artificial turf pitches. Long grass, perfect cushioning of the footprint, perfect ball bounce, hardly abrasive... All these seem to be advantages. However, there is still a small drawback, something that does not affect the game but does affect the aesthetics of the footballer: rubber stains on football boots. 

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You will have tried all kinds of products to remove these annoying stains and, like me, you will have come to this conclusion:

  • The stains won't come out with any known cleaner.
  • They can be removed in the washing machine, but at the cost of destroying the boot.
  • It comes out when wearing football boots on a day when the pitch is very wet.

The only reliable method to clean the boots is therefore to play in the rain. And at the moment we are not able to control the weather, so we had to find a remedy to keep our boots spotless after matches and training sessions on artificial turf. 

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With this objective in mind, the sports brand SP Fútbol has designed a product that will help us to keep our boots as clean as the first day: the Rubber Cleaning Spray for football boots - first and only product developed and manufactured to clean football boots in this specific situation.

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Rubber Cleaner Spray for Football Boots is an industrial solvent developed from the formula used in garages to remove rubber stains from tyres on the floor. This was the starting point, but the formula had to be refined to find the exact composition that would remove rubber stains without damaging the microfibre and leather that shape football boots. 

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Six reformulations of the product were necessary to achieve a balance in which the product was effective enough to leave the boots spotless without excessive effort and, at the same time, not to damage the boot. The final composition has Naphtha as its main element. It is a liquid, colourless and volatile hydrocarbon obtained from the distillation of crude oil and hard coal. Harmless to football boots but lethal to rubber and dirt.

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The cleaning process is very simple, but it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to follow these instructions to the letter: 

  1. Wipe the boot after use with a damp cloth.
  2. Once dry, apply some Rubber Cleaner Spray over the entire surface of the boot and let the product act for about 60 seconds.
  3. Rub the boot with a dry cloth, paying special attention to the most stained areas.
  4. Wipe the boot again with a damp cloth to remove any remaining product.

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