In recent years the market for imitations, replicas and ‘fake’ products has expanded all over the world as we have gone from seeing street vendors selling sweatshirts and trainers to hundreds of websites selling these illegal products online. It is a market that affected musicians, jewellery shops, accessories such as bags, clothes and now it has also hit the FOOTBALL BOOTS sector. We understand that many of you want cheap football boots, but are fake boots really an option?
How do I know if boots are fake?
The first and most obvious thing is the PRICE. If they are excessively cheap they are fake, if you go to a trusted website like ours or that of the brand and you see that the price of a boot is 300€ but you have found it for less than 100€ you already have the first clue that they are possibly fake.
Imitation adidas replica/fake football boots
Another clue within the price will be that usually you will not see the original RRP (retail price) of the 300€ that the original brand puts but you will see directly the retail price of 79€ or as a discount of a RRP below 100€ so that already indicates that they are fake because if you look at the official website of the brand you will see that the RRP is not that.
adidas ACE16+ Purecontrol ORIGINAL Football Boots
Another very common clue to identify these fake boots are the colours, decorations of the boots. It is very common to see that replica boot websites offer models with ‘colourways’ decorations that we don't see with the original models. Every time a brand launches a new colourway, they communicate the launch, so if you can't find this communication or images of this colourway on the brand's website, you have even more reasons to be suspicious.
Fake football boots
And thirdly, the websites (usually they are all Chinese websites similar to aliexpress). It is very easy to differentiate a serious website such as Fútbol Emotion, Nike or adidas from an imitation products website as they usually sell absolutely everything (boots, fashion watches, bags, jeans, swimwear, perfumes...) and they are not specialised shops that sell specific material for football players. They also have to hide their fake products as they are illegal and therefore when you search for them by their original names in the search engine on their website, they do not appear with those names.
Fake adidas Messi football boots
At first glance, a fake model may look original on the web because some of these websites use images of the original boots to deceive the customer and when the customer receives the product he/she does not find the same as what he/she saw on the screen. But even with more elaborate models, if we put them in front of the originals we can notice differences at a glance that anyone can identify.
Fake Nike Hypervenom Football Boots
Beyond the differences in colour and price, there is something that many buyers of fake boots do not take into account and that is the GUARANTEE. These boots do not come with a warranty so if a cleat breaks or any other problem occurs with your fake boots you will have lost your money. This is not so rare because although at first glance they are similar to the original boots, the materials used are cheaper (obviously, this way they offer those prices) so the durability of these boots will not be their strongest point.
Nike Mercurial superfly fake vs original football boots
Following the thread in which we mentioned that the materials are worse, the customer has to think that when a brand develops a boot they do it with a specific process in which they analyse the fixation, stability, resistance and numerous points so that the product never causes an injury to the athlete but helps him/her in his/her performance. But replicas do not do this, they only focus on making the boot look aesthetically similar to the original without worrying about the most important thing, which is its functionality. As you can see in the picture below, this replica boot has a completely unstable sole. A football boot should never be able to flex in the middle, it should only flex in the metatarsal area.
adidas ACE16+ Purecontrol Fake Football Boots
Why not buy replicas?
1. INJURY. An injury is the biggest fear of an athlete and as we are aware that these products are not developed under any control of functionality but only mimic the aesthetics, we strongly discourage the use of these fake products because if the customer is injured by breaking a heel or by the instability of the sole, will regret a long time to have bought this product.
2. FAKE SAVINGS: Even if they are cheaper, if the product lasts less time, you will have to spend money again on new boots, so in the long run it is not worth buying 4 replicas instead of buying an original boot. So the money saving is not entirely real.
3. ZERO GUARANTEES. If a heel breaks, the shell separates, the sole plate breaks, the shop will not change it. This does not happen with official sellers, because if a customer contacts us with one of these problems, we will change the boot for free.
Now you know how to identify fake boots from original boots, you know their ‘advantages’ and disadvantages, now the decision to buy an illegal product or a legal one is in your hands. But if you are really looking for quality and cheap football boots, take a look at our SALE section.