Despite this sport is always changing and now we're more aware of it, it has always been pretty classic. Boots with a traditional cut like Munich Continental or Kelme Precision are top-sellers year after year amongst futsal players. This isn't something negative at all but it may make us disregard other characteristics brands provide.
Choosing our futsal boots

Choosing by playstyle:
Knowing ourselves as players is key. We don't all play in the same way and despite at Futbol Emotion we repeat that the most important thing is that the boot adapts to your foot, sometimes we feel lost and hesitate among several models so this review may help us take a decision.
Potence futsal boots: robust and very sturdy boots with good shooting qualities. These boots usually have a classic cut like Munich Continental, Gresca, G3, Kelme Precision, Gems Viper FX IN, etc.
Speed futsal boots: they're very light and provide speed to the player. They usually have low/mid-height midsoles like Nike Mercurial VaporX, adidas X Tango 18.3 IN, Munich Tiga, etc.
Touch futsal boots: feeling the ball, dribbling, outrunning the rival... If you like to show your skills in the court, these brands offer a great versatility: Joma Dribbling, Joma Tactico, adidas Nemeziz Tango 18.3 IN or Kelme Feline are some of the best examples.
Choosing by cut:
Choices by material have been widened in these last years with the inclusion of the Knit. Taking this into account, it's a key point to know wether our foot is narrow or wide, if we want to play with the boot in several grounds and if we like a lighter or a sturdier boot.
Futsal boots according to cut: there are leather boots (Joma Top Flex, Munich Gresca, Mizuno Sala 3 Premium, Nike Tiempo React...) and also synthetic boots (Joma Super Regate, New Balance Audazo 3.0 Pro Futsal, Nike React Phantom Vision Pro...). In this last case, many boots feel like natural leather. Lastly, we can also buy knit boots too (Kelme Subito, adidas X line...).
Choosing by midsole:
It's really important for a boot to offer all the aforementioned properties. We should take care of our foot sole by choosing boots to prevent fatigue, blood circulation problems, bone deformities, degenerative joint illnesses (either in ankles, knees or hips) as well as back and knee pains. There are 3 types of midsoles: low, medium and high.
Low midsoles:they're developed to feel the ball as much as possible in the foot sole. They're often present in speed boots, which generally are quite light. They don't offer much protection against the court and have zero drop. If your feet are in perfect state, then you can use this type of midsole without a problem.
Medium midsoles: obviously this midsole is the most equitable. It's perfect for those needing some cushioning without adding too much weight to the boot. If you have orthopaedic insoles, boots with a medium-height midsole are a great alternativeto take into account. The best examples are the recently included adidas Copa Tango 19.3 IN.
Mediasuela alta: Las zapatillas que contengan una mediasuela alta serán prácticamente en su mayoría, robustas y de corte clásico, aunque nada tenga que ver con la filosofía de la misma. Preparada para jugadores fuertes o de gran peso, fabricadas para soportar todo tipo de acciones sin dañar lo más mínimo nuestra planta del pie. Por supuesto, si llevamos plantillas ortopédicas, estarán totalmente adaptadas para jugar con ellas puestas. Ejemplos de ello, son la mil veces mencionadas Munich Continental y Kelme Trueno.
High midsoles: boots with a high midsole are generally robust and have a classic cut. They're prepared for robust players and are especially made to endure any kind of actions without damaging our foot sole in the least. Of course, if we wear orthopaedic insoles, the midsole will be totally adapted to play with them. Some examples are Munich Continental or Kelme Trueno.