Nike HypervenomX Proximo IC

Only two months ago we presented to you the new NikeFootballX collection with which Nike would revolutionate all the futsal shoes silos, adapting it to the football boots. Since then all the rumors where heading say that MagistaX and the MercurilaX would not be the only models to adapt. The HypervenomX has arrived, with a new and spectacular desing.4

05 June 2015 - Written by Fernando Ortiz Castillo

Finishing March, NIKE confirmed what was already an open secret: The ed of the succesful collection FC247. And NikeFootballX would come stronger with two new futsal shoes silos which would replace the Gato, Elastico and BombaMagistaX and MercurialX were presented (as an evolution of the Elastico) as the new silos.

Everything was pointing that the revolution would not stop and then Nike took a step forward and launched a new silo: the HypervenomX, were we can find all the technologies together, Flyknit, Dynamic Fit and Flywire, making for a spectacular futsal shoe that will fulfill all your needs in this sport and which has been designed for those player who base their game in high agility skills.

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HypervenomX Proximo IC

After testing these new HypervenomX Proximo IC we were very surprised because it feels nothing like the MagistaX Proximo IC and MercurialX Proximo IC. In the HypervenomX Proximo IC  the Flyknit no está tan expuesto, y únicamente en la zona del tobillo asoma dando forma al Dynamic Fit Collar.

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HypervenomX Proximo IC - Dynamic Fit Collar

The entire upper is made with an evolution of the NikeSkin material, but this time thinner and more flexible, which provides a unique new sensation, good fit and excellent touch with the ball. Since it's placed over the Flyknit materia we has a more powerful shoe with no need of extra thick materials. Another element that stands out is the reinforcement we can find in the toe box area against abrasion.

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HypervenomX Proximo IC - NikeSkin

Another element that stands out in this shoe, just like in the MercurialX Proximo IC, is the Flywire technology based in the use of Brio Cables which adds to the shoe, which is essential in all the futsal movements.

In the mi-sole we will find the Phylon material for a perfect cushioning mainaining it lightweight.

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HypervenomX Proximo IC - Flywire y Phylon

The outsole of the new NIKE HypervenomX Proximo IC mantains the same design we find in the entire top end range of the NikeFootballX collection, using the recycled Nike Grind rubber material, in the areas which suffer the most, to make it last longer.

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HypervenomX Proximo IC - Outsole

Just the same as with the MercurialX, the HypervenomX will be available in 3 different product ranges: Proximo, Finale and Pro, To fulfill your needs and of all players. Choose your favorite model in SOLOPORTEROS.COM!


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