During the weekend we have matches. That's why Monday is our first day of the week to start training. Here I am going to talk about what it would be advisable to do on that first day after the competition, even if your team's first day of training is on Tuesday, you can follow these tips to do on your own.
- It will improve balance and coordination.
- It will increase postural firmness and control.
- It will increase strength and flexibility through the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (Sacro-Iliac).
In this CORE work that we do, not only to strengthen the abdominal and lumbar area, but also to warm up before the stretching session, it is advisable to start with dynamic crunches and then, before starting the stretching, we would do isometric crunches using, for example, abdominal planks.
After the exercises aimed at strengthening the middle part of our body, to which we have given around 15 minutes, we begin with a stretching session focused mainly on those muscles most involved in football, such as the psoas-iliac, hamstring, adductor, quadriceps, gluteus and piriformis.
In later posts we will discuss whether stretching is recommended or discouraged at the end of the match.
In addition, if possible and being aware that in amateur football this is something that is unlikely to be achieved, at the end of this session it is advisable to be able to perform hot-cold contrasts in order to increase blood circulation by vasodilatation of our blood vessels and thus facilitate muscle recovery.
What kind of stretches and tricks do you have for recovery days?