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Munich Gresca Futsal shoes


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Red ref. MU_3000624

Gresca futsal shoe. Gresca is the Catalan's brand flagship shoe. This model is specifically designed for intensive futsal practice. It incorporates reinforcements on the toe and sides, which guarantee comfort, style and durability.

In addition, its wide range of colors makes it an attractive shoe to combine with sportswear, so you can wear it to play a game or to go out with friends.


Made from nylon and mesh, which improves breathability and makes it very comfortable. The inside of the boot is made from a padded material to make it feel more comfortable


We can see two differentiated areas, the foremost of which has a rounded groove design that aids in any type of movement without losing any traction and in any kind of step


Vulcanised outsole, which includes a dual-density midsole that provides comfort upon supports by reinforcing the parts of the foot that receive the most impact, as well as making those areas that suffer the most wear and tear sturdier


Because of its design and the materials used in its construction, its recommended for use on indoor courts of any kind, although it offers its best performance when playing on parquet

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  • Jonas Geuten
    25 April 2018
    I was able to find the product I was looking for very easily. The product information and videos helped me decide on the product I was searching for. My order arrived a little after the estimated delivery time but everything was in perfect condition. I had an inquiry and solved it on the spot via telephone or email. I always make my purchases on Futbol Emotion because it’s a website you can trust.
  • Sin imagen de perfil
    Vanda Nunes
    07 September 2020
    Very good! Highly recommend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!++
  • Sin imagen de perfil
    Pedro Alves
    10 December 2018
    Comfortable, robust, resistant and with great adherence to the floor. It looses the feel of the ball, given its robust outsole.

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