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SP Fútbol Axeler Pro Fingers Gloves


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Black-Green ref. SP_FW22.022
Axeler Fingers glove in Black-Green color for the 2022-2022 season

It is increasingly common to see futsal goalkeepers with gloves on their hands. The objective is to be protected against the impact of the ball and have more options to block. What they must not lose is the sensitivity with the ball to serve one hand, a key technical gesture in the game. The No Goal silhouette achieves an extreme fit to make the glove feel like a second skin, leaving the fingertips free to feel the ball in maximum precision actions

Futsal goalkeepers who want to feel the ball without giving up grip and cushioning


Futsal goalkeepers who want to feel the ball without giving up grip and cushioning


Futsal goalkeepers who want to feel the ball without giving up grip and cushioning


Futsal goalkeepers who want to feel the ball without giving up grip and cushioning

Users' reviews:

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  • Octávio Fontes
    13 January 2023
    Although the product's aesthetics and lightness are good qualities. When placing it, I immediately detected negative points. The most serious thing, in my opinion, is the wrist, in addition to being excessively long when we think that this will translate into a better adjustment of the glove in the wrist area, providing it with some protection as an alternative to using the tape, pure mistake. does not adjust to the wrist and to make matters worse the elastic strap has only one point of attachment. As I'm not a particularly thin person (quite the opposite) when I adjust my wrist I get a kind of fin on my wrist which isn't at all functional but very uncomfortable. Of course I'll give it back.

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x1 SP Fútbol Axeler Pro Fingers Gloves

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