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Nike Kids Phantom GX II Academy IC Futsal shoes

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Blue Fury-White ref. NI_FJ2609-400
Kids Nike Phantom GX II Academy IC football shoe. Threaded shoes to be used on indoor and outdoor courts. Base shoes for control and precision players in Blue Fury-White colourway.

Nike launches the Mad Ambition Pack for the beginning of summer. A pack aimed at those players who dream of winning big titles or making a big leap the following season. The different shades of blue dye the three silos to start the beginning of the pre-season. Join and get one of them!White

A grippy texture covers the striking area of the shoe, extending from the side of the big toe along the laces to the little toe, allowing for clean kicks from the boot to the ball.


Thanks to the new shell, the American brand has implemented an internal layer as a structure that keeps the foot totally tight and wrapped. All of this finished off with a “classic” exterior. As in previous models, we see how the laces diverted towards the outside of the boot, just like the old T90s, for a much cleaner hit.


The rubber outsole has a worn-in feel to help you play fast from the first time you put them on. 


Those players who compete at an amateur level and who want maximum sensation in contact with the ball.

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x1 Nike Kids Phantom GX II Academy IC Futsal shoes

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