McDavid New Releases

McDavid Hex Tuf para Pierna Knee pads

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White ref. MC_6446R_WH
- Exclusive design with ultra-durable TUF polymer for courts sports.
- The Hex TUF socks endure brushes and sliding on hard terrains to improve use and durability.
- Ideal to cushion impacts against surfaces or other elements.
- Socks for the leg to present a new anatomic design of the shape of the knee with a 9mm hexagonal pattern to open a new comfort and protection dimension.
- They perfectly adapt to the leg and improve the protection against cuts and brushes.
- The moisture-control hDc tech to keep the area fresh and dry.
- It can be machine washed and dryed.
- The TUF technology has been exposed to abrasion, durability and strength tests by independent laboratories of sport garments and complied or surpassed the textile tests of the ASTM.
- One pair per package.

Composition: 80% nylon/ 20% spanex/ polyethylene foam
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