Reusch New Releases

Reusch Antibacteriano Neck Warmer

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Neck Warmer technical description

Black ref. RE_6089040-7700
The neck warmer is made from antimicrobial fabric that keeps every skier safe throughout the day. The material prevents bacterial regeneration and reproduction.

The antimicrobial fabric used in the product can effectively and completely remove bacteria, fungus and mold from the fabric, and prevent bacterial regeneration and reproduction. In the production process, the antibacterial fabric injection agent dyes the inside of polyester and nylon fibers at high temperature. The antibacterial fabric injection agent is fixed inside the fiber and is therefore also protected by the fiber, which leads to reliable broad wash resistance and antibacterial effect.
The antibacterial effect itself is achieved by damaging the cell wall of the bacteria: The intracellular osmotic pressure is 20-30 times higher than the extracellular osmotic pressure provided by the treatment. Therefore, the cell membrane is broken and the cytoplasm is leaked. This also stops the metabolic process of the microorganisms and prevents them from growing.

Anti-odor Anti-mite washable at 40°
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