Oliver New Releases

Tracker GPS


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Technical description

Oliver New Releases Father's Day
Blue ref. OL_922310

Play like a Pro with this GPS Tracker designed for football and futsal. With OLIVER, the only GPS that goes on your leg, you can measure your game and have all the details at your fingertips.  Through a low-cost GPS device, gamified sports science and an app, it provides key information to players in order to:
  • Boost your performance. Thanks to the multitude of metrics it collects, you will be able to adapt your training sessions in a personalised way, to exploit your strengths and improve those aspects that are less developed. In this way you will be able to develop your talent and reach your best version. 
  • Share metrics with players from all over the world. This platform makes it possible to observe the differences between players, in order to generate reports with lots of information, presented in a clear and simple way, which will lead to maximize your sporting success. 
  • Prevent injuries. Thanks to the load control, through the metrics, you can know at all times the right information about muscle fatigue, in order to reduce or increase the intensity of future workouts. 
  • Injury recovery. In this aspect, the return to play metric is key, oriented to all those players who are in recovery processes; and with which, through the different measurements, it is indicated when the player is ready to be able to return to play at a competitive level without any risk. In addition, the platform has an integrated injury Dashboard, where physical trainers can monitor the evolution of the player at all times, which facilitates decision-making.
  • Have fun while improving
OLIVER is very popular among Kings/Queens League players, as it allows them to measure their entire game in the CUPRA Arena, receive recommendations and get reports on their performance in order to give their best in every game and achieve glory. It is also the technology used by 8 LNFS teams, including: Córdoba Patrimonio, Noia Portus Apostoli, Wanapix AD Sala 10, Ribera Navarra, ElPozo Murcia, Industrias Santa Coloma, Pescados Rubén Burela and Jimbee Cartagena. Also, the Italian champion and several Futsal Champions League teams have opted to use OLIVER PRO. 

These are some of the performance metrics
  • Athletic: Activity time, Distance covered, Accelerations, Decelerations, Maximum speed, Sprints, Jogging and Walking.
  • Football: Ball Strikes, Striking Strength, Heat Map and Ball Transfer.
  • Health: Injury risk index and perceived exertion.
GPS includes:
  • OLI: mini smart GPS. This device is connected to its app where all the data is displayed. The app is available on IOS and Android. 
  • 2 shin guard covers 
  • 1 year subscription to the app
  • Charger cable

Users' reviews:

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  • Sin imagen de perfil
    Rui Miguel Mendes Filipe
    03 July 2023
    It could be easier to use, but it's a bit confusing. In terms of what is analyzed, the kit performs well.

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