TapeDesign Performance Shinguards 2.0 Shinpads

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White ref. TD_TDSHG70
The shin guards are softened with hot air (hair dryer) and therefore can be custom molded.
First, place one of the two shin guards on a smooth, clean surface for 3-6 minutes. Wait 10-15 seconds before placing the shin guard in the desired position on the shin (directly on the skin). Then, with light pressure, shape the protector into the desired shape.

After approx. 3 minutes the protector is hardened and will have taken the ideal shape for your shin and muscles.
Then repeat the process with the second schooner.

After heating, shin guards have the property of assuming almost any shape. This has the advantage that any shin and muscle shape will be adopted exactly.

It should be kept in a cool place after use and protected from direct sunlight. Failure to follow the instructions may result in product damage. We do not accept any responsibility for incorrect use.

Although shin guards have been tested, keep in mind that even shin guards only protect up to a certain level of game hardness, but no shin guard can provide complete protection against injury. If the size of the shin guards is changed, the level of protection will decrease accordingly.
Shin guards can be easily cleaned with water and then dried. This can prevent the formation of unpleasant odours.

In the kit we find:
  • The pair of shin guards
  • A storage bag
  • An instruction manual

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