What does FG mean in a pair of Footbal Boots?
FG (Firm Ground) Non-Abrasive firm grounds
They are made with rubber or with other materials with similar properties. They stick to the terrain less than aluminium (SG) studs but they aren’t either designed to totally pierce through the terrain. They can simply be standing on the ground (artificial) or a small percentage of the stud can be sticked (hard natural terrains) and manage anyway to get a perfect traction and stability.
To get traction in semi-soft surfaces, FG boots have at least 12 support points (SG soles had 6 to 8). The weight of the body is distributed among a number of points and never disturb the player even though if they don’t totally penetrate into the pitch. They can also be conical or bladed, like the SG studs, and have the same properties as studs for wet grounds.
Some boot brands combine conical and bladed studs in the same sole to get a traction adapted to any kind of motion.
- Hard natural grass.
- Artificial grass type carpet or 1st generation rubber and dirt surfaces.