What does mixed mean in a pair of Football Boots?
Turf soles provide the maximum grip over synthetic surfaces and minimise that discomfort caused by the studs in the foot sole. Studs don’t pierce synthetic grounds but lean on them and that can cause pain due to the pressure exerted over the foot sole. A sole containing many small studs distribute the pressure all over the sole, becoming almost imperceptible.
If the playing surface is soft (natural grass or last generation artificial grass), we’ll lose traction and stability. However, over turf or earth surfaces the grip is much better.
This was a quite much demanded sole back when almost all artificial pitches were made with turf. Nowadays, however, there are a lot of specific soles for artificial grounds and they aren’t that used anymore.
- Turf artificial grass and artificial grass with rubber.
- Earth..
- Natural grass and last generation artificial grass.