Blogs about Fútbol Emotion

In this section we tell you everything that is happening at Futbol Emotion since you're also an important part of it. Don't miss our contests and raffles in which you'll be able to win multiple prizes: from products of the best players of the world to the chance of training with them in our events. Live football as never before at Futbol Emotion.

Best football boots by price range

Today we are reviewing different boots according to their price range. Specifically those boots that have the perfect balance to use in any game, even though the prices aren't the cream of the crop. Find out about them now!
15 September 2024
Liverpool FC Primera Equipación Ed Signature 2019-2020

Liverpool FC Primera Equipación Ed Signature 2019-2020


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GIVEAWAY New Balance: Liverpool

If you want a Liverpool signed jersey or one of the 3 footballs we raffle you can't miss this post. The Liverpool won the Premier League even though it seemed to be cursed since the last decades: it had been 30 years without winning a league. Today the champion shirt can be yours.
15 July 2020

Meridia Capital is now a Futbol Emotion shareholder

We normally talk more about football than about our own company, so we’re proud to break the news to you. After some time looking for a travel buddy, we annouce that from a couple of weeks ago, the investment fund Meridia Capital, is now a Futbol Emotion shareholder.
22 May 2018
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