G-Form New Releases

G-Form Pro Team Arm Sleeve (1 Unit) Elbow pads

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Black ref. GF_EP050201x
It doesn't matter what you're doing, whether it's diving to stop a ball or taking on an opponent on the pitch; don't let anything get in the way. With the G-Form Pro Team sleeve, you can go fearless and go all out. G-Form will protect you in the game so you can keep doing what you do best.


The innovative Dual Axis pad is designed to follow you as you move. You won't feel it.
Dual Axis pad is designed to transfer moisture as you flex to reduce unnecessary heat buildup.
The exclusive SmartFlex process provides a slim fit with waterproof protection.
Advanced materials ensure a soft, lightweight material during movement that hardens upon impact.
The compression sleeve fits like a second skin and stays put.
The fabric of the top layer allows you to glide on any playing surface and field.
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