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Nike Kids Phantom Gx II Academy Turf Football Boots
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Kids Nike Phantom Gx II Academy Turf football shoe. Threaded shoes without sock to be used on turf, concrete, or any generation artificial grass fields. Mid-range shoe for control and precision players in White-Black-Mltc Gold Coin colourway.
Nike starts the year by introducing its new release: "the Mad Ready Pack". In the midst of the storm, with chaos swirling around you, find calm in the final third of the pitch with any of the three silos. The sandy colour of the Tiempo and Mercurial line meets the black and white of the Phantom to become a perfect choice to start the season.
The shell of this Phantom GX II is made of an improved Flyknit yarn with different textures that achieve an infinitely smoother finish and much more grip.
Thanks to the new shell, the American brand has implemented an internal layer as a structure that keeps the foot completely watertight and enveloped. All of this is finished off with a "classic" upper.
TURF stud outsoles are good for artificial grass pitches of any generation, and also for abrasive surfaces such as field carpets, outdoor pitches or even dirt.
For players competing at amateur level who are looking for maximum sensation when in contact with the ball.
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Nike Kids Phantom Gx II Academy Turf Football Boots
Nike New Releases
Turf - Synthetic ground
Synthetic Boots
Normal Shape
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x1Nike Kids Phantom Gx II Academy Turf Football Boots