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SP Fútbol No Goal Zero Training Gloves
Prices will show up in British Pounds throughout the entire process. The final payment, however, will be made in Euros:
19,99 €
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The brand's lighter line receives a much cooler color map without losing NO GOAL's risky design flair.
The mid-season launch updates the HEAT MAP colors, the warm summer tones give way to a cooler and more electric collection with which to face the decisive months of the season.
Hardground base range latex mounted on negative cut.
Breathable textile body and synthetic latex plates.
Elastic wrist strap and synthetic latex MOORINGS strap.
Glove developed for beginner goalkeepers looking for a Glove with high resistance.
Users' reviews:
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Sebastiao Camara
04 December 2022
Bad adhesion, just rubbing one glove together
Jose Cruz
26 April 2022
Left a little to be desired, lack of grip. Very beautiful aesthetics.