Munich New Releases

Munich Gresca Futsal shoes


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Navy blue-Nacar ref. MU_3000613

Gresca futsal shoe. Gresca is the Catalan's brand flagship shoe. This model is specifically designed for intensive futsal practice. It incorporates reinforcements on the toe and sides, which guarantee comfort, style and durability.

In addition, its wide range of colors makes it an attractive shoe to combine with sportswear, so you can wear it to play a game or to go out with friends.


Made with nylon and mesh, which improve breathability and make the boot very comfortable. The inside of the boot is made with a padded material to make it feel more comfortable


We can see two different areas. The forefoot has a rounded groove design that aids in any type of movement without losing any traction.


Vulcanised outsole, which includes a dual-density midsole that provides comfort during supports by reinforcing the parts of the foot that receive the most impacts, as well as making those areas that experience the most erosion sturdier.


For its design and materials with which is made it's suitable for indoor courts of any material although they're best performers on parquet.

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