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Joma Regate Rebound Futsal shoes


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Black ref. JO_RREW2201IN
Futsal shoes for adults Joma Regate Rebound. Renewed version, optimizes cushioning thanks to the double midsole.

The Joma brand Regate Regate futsal boot is based on the Spanish brand's Super Regate model, where the new sole design and the use of Rebound 2.0 cushioning technology stand out.

A cut made of synthetic material and breathable textile. The synthetic material is heat-sealed in order to hold the foot and give the shoes greater stability.


Made of double density Phylon, where the upper one is more firm to bet on stability and the lower one is made with Rebound 2.0 technology and FULL DUAL PULSOR technology that provides greater cushioning.


The sole is sewn to the upper and doubly-glued at its basis to provide durability. Made with a very flexible rubber, it presents a desing based in a hexagonal-shaped pattern divided by a lot of flexing lines.


For its materials, these futsal shoes are suitable for indoor and low-abrasive outdoor courts.

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    Jose Manuel Martins Atanasio
    19 December 2022
    Yes Very comfortable And adhere to the floor And they're very light Thank you

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