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    You know how annoying it is when the 'wall' just won't line up right? Well, that's more or less what just happened here.
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The latest in

New adidas Copa 11Pure

New adidas Copa 11Pure

A special model from the brand with the three stripes that brings us back the mythical adidas 11 Pro, adapted to the current model. Let's have a look at all the details of this pump.
14 March 2025
New adidas “Mystic Victory” Pack

New adidas “Mystic Victory” Pack

A new colourful packaging for the brand with the three stripes, which bathes its silos in bold and striking colours. Let's take a closer look.
14 March 2025
Fútbol Emotion Academy
Enjoy our Summer Campuses

Enjoy our Summer Campuses

The Fútbol Emotion Academy summer camps are an unforgettable experience. Train and learn with renowned coaches with extensive experience; enjoy an unbeatable environment with optimal facilities; share your passion for football with hundreds of kids who dream of getting better every day; and experience the latest methods to improve your performance. Over 10 years and 16,000 participants have enjoyed our Campuses and Clinics, are you in?
14 March 2025
New Balance 10th Anniversary Pack

New Balance 10th Anniversary Pack

New Balance is celebrating ten years in the world of football with a special edition of Furon. Let's take a closer look.
14 March 2025
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    Somebody must have made a mistake when making the lineup. Who put the water boy in charge of the keeper's area?.
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    Fútbol Emotion is under constant evolution and possibly the section you're looking for is no longer linked to this web address.
    You know how annoying it is when the 'wall' just won't line up right? Well, that's more or less what just happened here.
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    Something is wrong with our server, and we can't show you the website.
    We've pulled the star player off the pitch until he can recover from his injury, but he will be back in shape in no time. Come back in a little while.
New Balance 10th Anniversary Pack

New Balance 10th Anniversary Pack

New Balance is celebrating ten years in the world of football with a special edition of Furon. Let's take a closer look.
February 24
New boots for Neymar Jr

New boots for Neymar Jr

With the return of 'Ney' to Santos, the feline brand presents a new edition of the Creativity Pack, full of colour as always. Let's have a look at all the details. 
February 21
New Skechers Electrum pack

New Skechers Electrum pack

New Skechers football boots releasing in two really different designs.

February 20
adidas Polar Victory pack

adidas Polar Victory pack

The adidas white boots pack gives us that special and elegant touch characteristic of the white colour.
February 20