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SP Fútbol Antiabrasion compressive Sleeves


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Red ref. SP_16.114.7079
Anti-abrasion sleeves. Highly recommended product.

2016 NEW PRODUCTS: Anti-abrasion sleeves were launched in 2012 and soon became key product for goalkeepers. After four successful years we have developed their style, adapting it to current goalkeeping needs. A smaller elastic component reduces the risk of the sleeve moving on the arm. We have also reduced its length so the sleeve does not go all the way to the wrist which is a zone reserved for the goalkeeper´s glove. 

Nowadays a football goalkeeper needs to feel comfortable both during training sessions as well as during the match. The influence of professional figures has caused t-shirts to become the most common clothing, for aesthetic reasons as well as for the freedom of movements it allows.

But artificial turf is too abrasive, and playing keeper wearing short clothes causes erosions on the arms when we slide along the ground. After trying out several options, we at SOLOPORTEROS have developed a product that fits like a second skin over our arm, managing to keep it from affecting our mobility and prevent erosion injuries on any part of the arm.

Sizes: The sleeves have a very high elastic component and fit practically any arm. The smallest (2XS/XS) are designed for arms that are still developing, including children 13 or 14 years old and onward, and the L/XL size sleeves are for adult goalkeepers. There is also a size XXL for those adult keepers with a large arm volume.

Colour: Red
The price is set for a pair of sleeves, they are not sold separately.

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  • Paulo Ricardo
    01 September 2021
    5 stars
  • Paulo Ricardo
    01 September 2021

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