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SP Fútbol Desodorante Para Guantes de portero Spray

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Black ref. SP_W4080.0400
Soloporteros deodorant removes odor-causing particles that cannot be removed even by washing with soap, since water and soap solution are not effective against certain bacteria. With this new product, your glove and your boot will be perfectly deodorized with a product that is very easy to apply and that does not damage the properties of latex.

- Cationic surfactants (less than 5%)
- Fragrance
- Excipient


- Apply only after sports practice, never before.
- Make sure the gloves or boot are completely dry before applying the deodorant.
- To dry the glove or boot, do not expose them directly to sunlight or heat sources.
- Apply a small amount of product inside each glove or boot
- Store the gloves or boots in a cool place and without exposing them to direct sunlight.

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