Palm technologies

Palms latex technologies

  • Specific for water


    These are palms made of the same materials as the premium palms but with a twist: it is a much more permeable latex to facilitate the absorption of water. They work much better if they are wet and provide a better performance than a conventional palm when the ball is very wet. These palms are usually mounted on a glove with a neoprene body and are made of materials designed for the goalkeeper's comfort on a wet field.

  • Duo


    Latex on the inside of the palm. Normally the palms in the hand contact area have a layer of foam and textile. DUO gloves have latex directly in contact with the hand. It is very useful for the palm to fit perfectly to the hand and', in case the goalkeeper's hand sweats a lot, it will improve the sensations as we don't feel the textile “wet”, but the latex absorbs the sweat and we always have the sensation of a dry hand. Traditionally the DUO has always been made of ribbed latex, but there is also the flat DUO, although it does not provide the same feeling of fit as the ribbed one.

  • Palmas anatómicas

    Anatomic Palms

    A very recent system that is increasingly used by brands. It consists of small indentations on the palm that coincide with the flexing areas of the hand and adjust the palm much more to the hand. Also, when the cuff is closed, the glove fits perfectly like a second skin.

  • Latex up to the wrist

    Latex up to the wrist

    With this system, the latex of the palm extends to cover the wrist and increases the contact surface with the ball. It is especially useful when blocking against the chest, to avoid those small movements that the ball can suffer when pressed against the chest and that can cause the it to fall.